About our Mainline Pro-hub AWD installation
We have incorporated a complete Mainline ProHub 4WD Chassis Dynamometer into our workshop. This means Longman Racing can provide the ultimate AWD “In Chassis” tuning solution for high performance AWD & 2WD vehicles.
Designed for testing high performance street, track, rally and some drag car applications, the ProHub AWD Chassis Dynamometer effectively bridges the gap between an engine dynamometer and a roller-based chassis dynamometer, which rely heavily on the tyre to roller interface (traction).
The Portable ProHub Dynamometer connects directly to the vehicle’s axle hubs, via billet steel adaptors, effectively removing wheel and tyre related variables from the testing and tuning equation, for absolute accuracy, and the ultimate in test data repeatability from power run to power run.
Our ProHub AWD Chassis Dynamometer will accommodate up to +/- 10 °camber as well as 10 ° toe in /out, to accommodate live axle and IRS systems.
Applications for the ProHub AWD Chassis Dynamometers include performance tuning, ignition timing perfection, pre-race testing, driveline torque testing, clutch evaluation and performance research and development.
For further information and to enquire about dyno hire and services please contact: sales@longmanracing.com
Vital information and pre-dyno checklist
Your vehicle’s hub layout and PCD if using multi bolt patterns (Centre lock wheels can be accommodated, but we will need extra notice/ hub data) are especially important to provide when booking in a mapping session. For a full pre-arrival dyno checklist please download the PDF from the link below.

Mainline DynoLog Software
Another area in which sets the Mainline DynoLog Dynamometer apart from all others is its ability to give the user unparalleled Data Analysis of any Saved Ramp Test, and most users spend much of their time on the dyno in the Analyse Screen, analysing data in numerous different ways. Also, by being able to view data in many different fashions, the ability then arises where the user can print out Reports of data in many different formats.